Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tomorrow is the big day... Vegan MoFo Starts!

I'm new on the vegan blog scene, as I'm new on the vegan scene... :) I'm super excited about MoFo because my post numbers are pretty wimpy... like only one post in August and three (well, 4 after this one) in September. But now, in October they will be a big ole number over there to the right... like 20ish! or more!

I'm also really looking forward to reading all my fave blogs everyday and finding all kinds of new favorites! I plan to spend the three hours I'll be in class tonight reading blogs... we haven't started a new project in weeks so it's not like I'll be falling behind on school work... oh I just got an idea for a post or two- what I eat/prepare on the days when I have my night class...

1 comment:

  1. no there are not wimpy I love american slang wimpy i will use that on hubby later if i find a good sentence that works. Enjoy Vegan Mo Fo
